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Lee reigns as event planner

Senior Rhysa Lee has planned proms and banquets



Behind the scenes of every event is a team that works hard to plan the decorations, activities, and event timeline down to the very detail. Senior Rhysa Lee has been spending the past three years of high school to plan several winter fantasies as well as both class of 2019 proms. While her first event was the class of 2019 sophomore banquet, Lee did not discover her true pas- sion for event planning till later.

“I didn’t really know that I would end up liking event planning so much until I did junior prom. Being able to do things for other people is something I really enjoy doing so being able to plan events for other people and creating a time and place where they can have fun is really fun.” said Lee.

After several years of experience, Lee has discovered that it takes time, patience, and the ability to handle stress to be able to plan an event so thoughtfully. “Planning events will take up a lot of time since you need to set a date, location, and make sure everyone has enough time to reserve the date and confirm that they can attend. Being able to handle stress well is important because you can’t afford to have a break down while planning event since there are other people besides you involved.” Lee said.

From her past experiences, Lee takes any and every mistake she made and works on learning how to better avoid a similar situation during the next. For Lee, the most difficult thing about planning is simply making one that everyone would enjoy. “I know I can’t please everyone so I have to pick and choose what to include and what I can’t have. If anyone knows a way to get everything that everyone wants, please let me know.” Lee jokes.

Throughout the hardships, Lee pushes forward and shows everyone around her what a hard worker truly looks like. Lee looks forward to the results after months of planning. “Being able to see everyone enjoying themselves and all the hard work paying off is a very happy moment.” said Lee.

For future Winter Fantasy or Prom chairpersons, Lee advises them to know when to draw the line. “Don’t mix friendship and business. When it comes to plan- ning events, if you want to put your friends on your committee, make sure both of you know that you can’t be making exceptions just because you’re friends with them. There are deadlines to meet and an event to plan.” Lee warns.

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