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Super Bowl Commercials



These infamous “Super Bowl Commercials” have been stunning viewers for years. Since the first Super Bowl was broadcasted in 1967, companies saw this as a priceless opportunity to advertise and publicize their brand and products, with now nearly one third of the country tuning in. Companies know their commercials need to be phenomenal, one viewers will remember, and they succeed, time and time again. We Americans have become fascinated with the thought of these “must see”, “cannot miss” commercials.

They’re intriguing. Instead of taking the usual bathroom break, fans are stuck to their chairs, like they have glue on their butt, eyes locked on the screen. It’s our curiosity which drives us to stay seated and see for ourselves. Companies pay five million dollars for thirty seconds of screen time- every commercial played during the Super Bowl is going to be nothing less but great.

They’re also entertaining. Humor, diversity, and emotion are incorporated, with a wide variety of special effects, marketing tactics and celebrities.. As shown, the infamous Mountain Dew commercial featured Morgan Freeman, and Peter Dinklage, both very famous actors.

But why are Super Bowl commercials so much better than regular ones? They may seem quite the same - thirty seconds, during the break of a broadcast, expensive for companies. But it’s their quality which set them apart. It’s no wonder that Americans have become so fascinated with these special commercials. We’re used to mediocracy, every other day of the year, so one day filled with new, intriguing, and entertaining commercials is something we won’t miss out on.

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